Important Documents from USCCB
- Guidelines For The Celebration Of The Sacraments with Persons With Disabilities: Revised, 2017
- Welcome and Justice for Persons with Disabilities: A Framework of Access and Inclusion, 1998
- Pastoral Statement of the US Catholic Bishops on People with Disabiities, 1978
44th Annual Philadelphia Regional Conference on Developmental Disabilities
Faith Communities – A Vehicle for Fostering Relationships and Well-being – Roberts Center
Sr. Kathleen Schipani, Med; Michael Magee, self-advocate
‘Autism, Neurodiversity and Faith’ with Fr. Matt Schneider, LC 5.27.2020
Links and Materials used at Meeting:
International Day of Persons with Disabilities – December 3
From Inclusion to Belonging: Persons with Disabilities and Parish Life 3.2.2019
Documents and Materials Used at the Workshop:
- Guidelines For The Celebration Of The Sacraments with Persons With Disabilities: Revised, 2017
- Welcome and Justice for Persons with Disabilities: A Framework of Access and Inclusion, 1998
Videos to View:
- Evangelization is Access: No Access -No Evangelization –
- Feeling Awkward –
- Ten Things not to Say to Deaf People –
Parish Resources:
Resources for Loan: DVD’s and Videos on issues related to disabilities, accessibility, inclusion in parish life and religious education are available for loan to parishes and individuals. Call the Office 215-587-3530 or email to make a request.
PCPD Resources: These resources may be helpful to parishes as they strive to make their parishes accessible and welcoming to persons with disabilities:
American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreter Info
- ASL Interpreter Policy
- On Line Request for Interpreters
- Request for ASL Interpreter Fillable Form
- Interpreter Mass Information Fillable Form
- Funeral Request for Intepreter Info
Disability Tip Sheets and Helpful Information
- Preferred Language Information Sheet
- Parish Accessibility Checklist
- Bulletin Announcement and
Universal Prayer - Supporting Returning War Veterans
- Etiquette and Hospitality
- Tips on Making Meetings and Events Accessible
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.Persons with Disabilities
National Catholic Links
- National Catholic Partnership on Disabilities
- National Catholic Office for the Deaf
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishop –Disabilities
- Catholic Celiac Society
- Catholic Directory
- CUSA, An Apostolate for Persons with Chronic Illness and Disabilities
- International Catholic Deaf Association—United States Section
- Loyola Press: Adaptive Religious Education Kits
- Network of Inclusive Catholic Educators Materials
- The Victorious Missionaries
- Xavier Society for the Blind
Other National Links
- National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI)
- Pathways to Promise: Ministry and Mental Illness
- Mental Health Guide for Faith Leaders
- American Association of People with Disabilities
- American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD)– Religion and Spirituality Group
- Faith and Light USA East
- L’Arche USA