Parish Advocate Program

000_0426The Office for Persons with Disabilities (OPD) supports our Archdiocesan parishes and individuals with disabilities through the OPD Parish Advocate program. Parish Advocates act on behalf of persons with disabilities to assist the pastor in his role of inviting people to full membership and to share fully in the life of the Parish. Each contact is appointed by the Pastor to serve as a liaison and advocate with persons with disabilities and their parish and between the parish and the Archdiocesan Office for Persons with Disabilities. Contacts are volunteers who meet two times a year for on-going education, support and networking with other parishes.

If your parish does not have a parish contact or would like to appoint a new contact, please submit the OPD Parish Contact Form.
Online Parish Advocate Form 
Printable Parish Advocate Form
Cultural Ministry Apostolate Chaplains/Coordinators are also invited to appoint an Apostolate Contact to the OPD.


Parish Contact and Advocate Role

Resources from Previous Parish Contact Workshops

Parish Accessibility Survey – Very Specific

Parish Accessibility Check List